An Educator’s’ Guide to Internet Privacy using Mr. Robot

Over the course of the ten episodes that make up the first season of Mr. Robot’s focuses on several technology and privacy issues that are prevalent in today’s society. This study guide will discuss the privacy issues on the individual and corporate level that occur throughout the series. This guide will also inform teachers and students of the specific laws that are associated with some of the privacy issues and breeches featured in the show, such as HIPAA laws for medical privacy, Remote Access Trojans (RAT) and how security systems are exploited  that result in these issues. This guide will also provide teachers with talking points and questions that will help facilitate a meaningful post viewing discussion in the classroom.

This study guided was completed as the final project for the Information Policy and Politics course at Pratt Institute.

This paper is also in the process of being published in The Serials Librarian as a formal research paper.

Mr. Robot Season One Study Guide: Download